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CAS / FAC – Pt.04 – Game plan


With the game plan, the FAC can convey information on how the attacks are to take place.

It is a short message but there are a few things to understand first.

Type of control

There are 3 types of control from a FAC, type 1, 2 and 3. And they refer to different situations and what kind of control the TAC wants over the attacking aircrafts.

In 11TSG; we only use Type 2 and 3

  • Type 1 Control: Type 1 control is used when the JTAC/FAC(A) requires control of individual attacks and the situation requires the JTAC/FAC(A) to visually acquire the attacking aircraft and visually acquire the target for each attack. 
  • Type 2 Control: Type 2 control is used when the JTAC/FAC(A) requires control of individual attacks and is unable to visually acquire the attacking aircraft at weapons release or is unable to visually acquire the target  
  • Type 3 Control: Type 3 control is used when the JTAC/FAC(A) requires the ability to provide clearance for multiple attacks within a single engagement subject to specific attack restrictions. 

Method of Attack

FAC will state the method of attack, whether Bombs on Target (BoT) or Bombs on Coordinate (BoC)

Attack Type

Within type 2, there are two types of attack used in 11TSG are individual and combined – sequential. No simultaneous or random, as well as sectored attacks are used due to complexity and risk.

Radio example

Rumble 31, Type 2 control, bomb on target, individual, advise ready 9-line

Ready 9-line, Rumble 31


Rumble 31, Type 3 control, advise ready 9-line

Ready 9-line, Rumble 31

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