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RTC – MOD-04 – Pt.02 – What is the Ground Controller

The Ground Controller is the initial controller you will speak to on an airfield.

The Ground Controller is in control of all vehicles and aircraft on the movement area.

The Movement Area is defined as all parts of the airfield designed for aircraft movement that doesn’t involve the takeoff and landing of aircraft.

This means not all parts of an airfield are controlled by the Ground Controller, Aprons, Dispersals, Arming Areas, Taxiways are examples of areas of the Airfield that ARE under the control of the Ground Controller as they are designed for Aircraft movement. Areas of the Airfield such as the Runway, Roads, Vehicle Tracks are NOT controlled by the Ground Controller as they are not designed for aircraft movement OR involve the takeoff and landing of aircraft.

The Ground Controller will give you permissions to taxi, airfield information if required, and weather.

The Ground Controller is the Authority unless by following their instructions safety will be compromised. In other words, don’t crash just because the ground controller told you it’s ok. It isn’t!

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