CAS / FAC – Pt.05 – 9-Line (CAS Brief)
Officially it is a CAS brief. In the procedure, however, its referred to as the 9-line. This is what its known as from now on.
The 9-line is to provide the CAS aircraft with the instructions for the upcoming attack.
The 9-line
All 9-lines follow the same format and are read with a longer break every 3 lines to allow taking notes. Line numbers are not spoken.
- IP position
- Attack Heading (from IP to target + offset if applicable)
- Distance (from IP to target)
pause - Target Elevation
- Target Description/Type
- Target Location
pause - Mark
- Friendly Location(s)
- Egress instructions
After the 9-line portion, there is an opportunity for the FAC to provide remarks.
The remarks are additional instructions, most of which can be a repeat or something that has changed since the SITREP.
After the remarks, the CAS aircraft will read back lines 4, 5, 6, and all the remarks.
Line 1 is always given as a keyhole (example: Delta 10)
Line 2 can deviate from the direct line between IP and target, by an offset, for example to ensure deconfliction to the FAC(A) aircraft lasing, but also due to terrain (imagine a valley running SE-NW, there is no keyhole between Charlie and Delta). If so, the keyhole should be chosen at a further distance to target to accommodate for room to maneuver. (eg. Delta 15).
The offset is flown INTO the direction the offset is given, so an offset right deviates to the right from the line between the IP and target, as shown in Fig. III-19.
Line 3 is direct range
If an aircraft attacks another target in an already otherwise fully briefed AO (they just attacked a target before that with a full brief): “1-3: no change”
Line 4 is target elevation above MSL
Line 5 describes the target type (vehicle, building..) or “by sensor talk-on” when BoT
Line 6 is either coordinates (when BoC) or “by sensor talk-on” when BoT
Line 7 describes how the target is marked (examples: smoke, sparkle, laser, a fire..)
Line 8 gives locations of closest friendlies to the target
Line 9 orders the aircraft which direction to egress to (before then returning to CP holding)
Example 9-line
Keyhole D | 090° | 10nm |
3-0-7-0ft | ZU-23 on Truck | by sensor talk-on |
No mark | 2.5nm west | South to Keyhole C |
Radio Example
Rumble 31
Keyhole D; 090°, right; 10nm
3-0-7-0ft; ZU-23 on Truck; by sensor talk-on
No mark; 2.5nm west; South to Keyhole C
Advise Ready Remarks
Ready remarks, Rumble 31
Rumble 31, use GBU-12
copy 3070ft, ZU-23 on Truck, by sensor talk-on, GBU-12, Rumble 31
Rumble 31, readback correct, advise ready for talk on
Ready Talk on, Rumble 31