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RTC – MOD-07 – Pt.10 – ATC

ATC for aerodromes will only be carried out by human players. When this is the case the Flight Lead will be the only one who talks on the radio to the controllers.

The typical order of control on the outbound leg is:

  • Taxi to the Runway on Ground, Stud 1
  • Enter the Runway and Takeoff with Tower, Stud 2
  • Once all elements of the formation are airborne and climbing, Switch to “Tactical”, Stud 8

When there are multiple human controllers, pilots will go to Departures, Stud 3, after takeoff, before heading to “Tactical”, Stud 8.

The typical order of control on the recovery phase is:

  • Once clear of the AO and/or approaching 20nm from the airfield Pilots will switch from “Tactical”, Stud 8, to Tower, Stud 2
  • Pilots announce their intentions to Tower and carry out the appropriate procedures as requested by the Tower Controller
  • Once landed and clear of the Runway, Pilots will switch to Ground, Stud 1

When there are multiple human controllers, pilots will go to Approach, Stud 4, instead of Tower initially, from there go as directed.

The Director Controller, Stud 5, is used when there are multiple aircraft recovering, some VFR and some IFR, and there is a need for clear a clear communication frequency for the pilots flying IFR approaches.

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